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What If You Could Go Back In Time?

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Art by Analise Black

Would you do it all again? Illustrators Jake Parker, Lee White, and Will Terry share how they’d approach their careers if they were starting from scratch today. You don’t want to miss this!


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SmartLess podcast


  • Your job as an illustrator is not merely to make images (AI can do that!); it’s to solve human problems with creativity.

  • In today’s economy, holding down a day job and making art on the side is the most practical option for many. Don’t beat yourself up if this is the best path for you.

  • If you have a 9-to-5, make time to tinker. Prioritize creative play in your off-hours.


Raj asks, “If you had to start over with no audience and no body of work, but with all the knowledge you have now, how would you go about it? Would you restart your career, and if so, how?”

Will would do something non-artistic just to pay the bills. That would free him up to make illustration work he truly loves, rather than feeling pressured to create whatever makes a buck.

Lee would focus less on feeding the algorithm and more on developing his craft and his future.

Jake would apply for jobs that allow him to clock out at the end of the day, leaving all his work worries in the office or studio. Then he’d use his 10-16 free hours every day, plus weekends, to sleep, eat, and develop his craft. Like Will, he’d allow his day job to bear the weight of paying the bills so his creative energy could be applied toward whatever he’s passionate about. Jake would practice slow productivity: making small and steady progress towards completing a very high-quality project over an extended period of time. (Not forgetting his cardinal rule, “Finished, not perfect,” which states that at some point, you just have to call a piece done and move on.) If income from creative work caught up to his day job, he’d transition to full-time art making, but if it didn’t, he’d be content to keep an inflation-proof 9-to-5 and enjoy art on the side.


Jake Parker: Instagram: @jakeparker, Youtube: JakeParker44

Will Terry: Instagram: @willterryart, Youtube: WillTerryArt

Lee White: Instagram: @leewhiteillo 

Daniel Tu:

Lily Camille Howell:

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