School of Visual Storytelling

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Bringing Joy and Vision to Your Work with Lisa Bardot

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Art by Analise Black
Lisa Bardot- entrepreneur, artist, and teacher- joins Will Terry and Jake Parker to discuss vision-based living, creative business, and making art for the joy of it.


Note: We’ve done our best to provide relevant links to products mentioned in this podcast. Qualifying purchases support SVSLearn and the 3 Point Perspective podcast. Thank you for your patronage!

Self-Publishing Pro
Art Maker’s Club
Bardot Brush YouTube
Drawing Digital
Bardot Brush
Paint, Play, and Procreate Retreat with Lisa Bardot in France
Instagram @lisabardot


  • Excitement is the most effective marketing. When you’re pumped about what you offer, your audience can’t help but get on board.

  • Everything is figure-outable. Don’t let a lack of know-how prevent you from pursuing your dreams; you can develop the skills you need as you go.

  • Reserve time to create art for the joy of it. 

  • Don’t let fear of failure stop you. It’s better to try, fail, and have a learning experience along the way than to play life safe and never grow. Failure is not the worst thing that could happen to you!


Lisa Bardot is a Sacramento, California-based artist, online teacher, and entrepreneur. She is best known for teaching Procreate on YouTube, in online courses, and in her book, Drawing Digital. Lisa began using Procreate in 2013, which led to creating and selling digital brushes and teaching how to use the program on YouTube. Her videos have been wildly successful and she has since partnered with Procreate to teach and work on new projects with the company. Lisa also created an online membership, Art Maker’s Club, and publishes daily art challenges with a monthly theme. She encourages people of all skill levels to make art for the joy of it.

With a background in graphic design and photography, Lisa has always been entrepreneurial, running multiple businesses with her husband. They have three children and stay busy managing family and business life. Keep up with Lisa on Instagram @lisabardot.

Robert asks, “Which plays a bigger role in your art process: vision or ability? Do you match your vision to your skill level, or increase your skills to meet your vision?”

To succeed as a creative entrepreneur, you must be vision-driven first. You won’t know how to do everything right out of the gate, but the only way to learn is by trying. When your vision is big enough, you can increase your abilities a little at a time until you reach your goal.


Jake Parker: Instagram: @jakeparker, Youtube: JakeParker44

Will Terry: Instagram: @willterryart, Youtube: WillTerryArt

Lee White: Instagram: @leewhiteillo 

Daniel Tu:

Lily Camille Howell:

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