Level 1: Foundations

Basic Perspective Drawing

5.0 (7 reviews)

Unlock your storytelling potential by learning how to draw in perspective. Professional illustrator David Hohn breaks down the basics of one and two point perspective in a way that is simple and easy to understand.

Different geometric shapes.
26 Lessons
3 hours of video content
20 Videos
Unlock your storytelling potential by learning how to draw in perspective

Too often we let our weakness hold back the stories we want to tell. Don't let perspective drawing hold back your storytelling potential. Professional illustrator David Hohn breaks down the basics of one and two point perspective in a way that is simple and easy to understand.

A purple building and a girl with a notebook and papers, with spiral infinite stairs behind her.

Every illustration David creates starts with the principles taught in this course and uses perspective in a way to enhance his storytelling instead of hindering it.

A drawing of a Roman army and servants marching in a column, carrying someone on a throne chair, with chariots behind them.
In this class you will learn:
The basics of one and two point perspective
How to draw clean, straight lines and smooth, even ellipses
Where to put the horizon line and vanishing points in your drawing
What an orthogonal is
What the cone of vision is, and how to avoid common mistakes in perspective drawing
How to use a square plane as a unit of measurement in one and two point perspective
How vanishing points expand and contract as an object is rotated in perspective
How to draw multiple objects with different vanishing points in the same drawing
The anatomy of an ellipse
How to find the major and minor axis in an ellipse

Course curriculum

About the Instructor

Instructor David.
David Hohn

David is an illustrator based in Portland Oregon. His days are spent in the studio imagining what it would be like to be someone else, doing something else – and then he paints it. Some of his clients include Scholastic, Random House, Electronic Arts and Nike.


5.0 (7 reviews)
Jesse Bergstrom
Great for establishing perspective basics

David did a great job of covering the basics of perspective and then having us apply them. The assignments were spot on and the final assignment really utili...

Qi An
A different pov on Perspectives

David's class proves that you can never learn enough about pov drawing! I thought I'm ok at pov - just ok, not great - and now have learned purposes of different pov's, and going beyond using line guides. Learning perspectives can be scary - so technical -  David makes it friendly, fun and importantly, in context.

Brittney Rios
Foundational Practice is a Plus

Its great to go back and practice and learn the foundational skills we need to illustrate, thanks a bunch for this course!

Jeremy Ross

Really enjoyed this course and feel stronger in perspective already. Practice is key!

Edward Denecke
Keeping it Simple!

Back to square one … but for a good reason!! David Hohn doesn't talk down to beginners. Instead, he helps pull them up! I enjoyed this course and learned some amazing things … especially how to correctly draw an ellipse and how to plot out a room for illustrating it. Thanks David!

Basil Godevenos
Clear and Informative

David Hohn has crafted a linear perspective primer using clear language and excellent examples, including real world photography. As a beginner, I never felt out of my depth, and with the tools and knowledge acquired through the course, I was able to complete the final assignment, as well as have a clear understanding of how to employ perspective in future pieces.

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