Give the gift of Learning!

Now you can gift full access to our library of 100+ art classes! The special artist in your life can stream all the art classes they want, whenever they want. It's the gift that keeps on giving!

It’s like our regular subscription, but access automatically ends after 3 months or 6 months, your pick. No muss, no fuss!


Here’s how it works

  1. Click the Buy button above to get started.

  2. Choose a delivery option for the gift. We have 3 options: a physical certificate is mailed directly to the artist (US only), a PDF of the gift certificate is emailed to you to print and give to the artist, or a digital certificate is emailed directly to the artist.

  3. Once the purchase is confirmed, a unique coupon code will be generated for the gift recipient and forwarded using your chosen delivery option.

  4. The artist can then follow a link to the gift page (it will be included in the instructions), enter their unique coupon code and boom. Let the learning begin!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Glad you asked! We have 3 options for delivering the gift:

    1. We snail mail a physical gift certificate directly to the artist. This option is great if you have some lead time and want to give something special to put in a stocking or under the tree. Shipping can take 1-7 business days, depending on the address. Please note: this option is only available in the US.

    2. We email you a PDF of the gift certificate to print out and give to the artist. If you are handy with a printer and short on time, this is the option for you. Just download the PDF and push Command P and your gift certificate is ready to go!

    3. We email a digital gift certificate directly to the artist. This is the best option when you are out of time and need to get that gift delivered, stat! The email goes out as soon as the order goes through. Easy peasy!

  • Orders must be received by Dec. 5 to make it by Christmas. Missed the deadline? Don’t worry! After Dec 5, you can still order a digital version up to the very last minute!

  • Once your payment is processed, a unique coupon code will be automatically generated and forwarded using the delivery option you selected during checkout. The recipient will then to go a gift page to redeem the coupon (the link will be included in the instructions), where they will be prompted to create a student account. They’ll be able to stream all the art classes from within their account.

  • Nope! The recipient can redeem the coupon code whenever they want.

  • No siree Bob! There is a one time charge, and access automatically ends after 3 months or 6 months, depending on which option you chose. Somewhere down the line, we may email the recipient asking if they are interested in continuing the subscription on their own, but you the purchaser will be out of the loop at that point.

  • We can accept all major credit cards. We can’t take Paypal for this option at this time.

  • It depends on the delivery method : )

    For a physical gift certificate, we prep and ship within a day or two. Shipping can take between 1-5 business days for First Class Mail. You can opt to expedite to 2-3 business days with Priority Mail.

    For the print on demand version, the email with the gift certificate PDF is automatically sent upon purchase. Then it’s up to you print and deliverl.

    For the email directly to the artist option, the email is sent instantaneously. Once the recipient receives the email with the code, they can redeem it and get access right away.

  • We offer refunds on gifts if you contact us within 3 days of the charge.

    For any billing inquiries, please contact us at for help.

  • This is how much Gift Up! charges to offer this service.

Any unanswered questions? Email us!