The Style Episode

Art by Marek Halko

How do you find your style? For some it seems to come naturally and for others it can be a source of great stress. Hopefully this episode helps give you some ideas for how you accelerate as you develop your own style. In this episode we evaluate each others styles, share our influences, discuss ways to foster and grow your own style, and the importance of style as it relates to your career goals.

Lee’s Influences

Arthur Rackham

Lisbeth Zwerger

Mark English

Gary Kelly

Laura Carlin

Will’s Influences

Lane Smith

Steve Johnson “The Frog Prince Continued”

Mary GrandPre

Jake’s Influences

Bill Watterson

Yukito Kishiro

Masamune Shirow


Dr. Suess

Also discussed:

Jon Klassen

Jake Parker: Instagram: @jakeparker, Youtube: JakeParker44

Will Terry: Instagram: @willterryart, Youtube: WillTerryArt

Lee White: Instagram: @leewhiteillo 

Mark Halko: @marekhalko 

Alex Sugg:

Tanner Garlick: Instagram: @tannergarlick

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