Amy Kibuishi - The Patient Illustrator

Art by Amy Kibuishi

Amy Kibuishi joins Jake Parker and Lee White in today’s interview! Learn about the stories that drive Amy’s illustration, how she balances a career and motherhood, and the juicy details of her comic creation process in this deep-dive episode.


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Amy Kibuishi: website, Twitter
Realm of the Blue Mist, coming 2022
The Rema Chronicles
Felaxx’s Gallery
Rema blog
Kazu Kibuishi
Becky Cloonan
Jen Quick
Interview with Catia Chen
Flight graphic novels
Audra Furuichi
Emmy Toyonaga


  • Great work takes time. Stick it out, even when it’s frustrating, and eventually you’ll find your flow and make something the world needs.

  • Let your stories and your message drive you to keep creating.

  • Develop a lifestyle that supports your creativity. Eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep so you can bring your best self to the drawing table.


Amy Kim Kibuishi has been drawing and writing in earnest since she was ten years old. She graduated from the School of Visual Arts with a degree in Cartooning and is the creator of Sorcerers & Secretaries, a graphic novel duology. The first volume was a YALSA Great Graphic Novels for Teens selection. She was also a contributor to the acclaimed Flight anthology series edited by Kazu Kibuishi and adapted a story for Goosebumps: Terror Trips by R. L. Stine. Amy lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Kazu and their two children. You can find her new graphic novel, Realm of the Blue Mist, here.
(Source: Bolt City Productions)


Jake Parker: Instagram: @jakeparker, Youtube: JakeParker44

Will Terry: Instagram: @willterryart, Youtube: WillTerryArt

Lee White: Instagram: @leewhiteillo 

Daniel Tu:

Lily Howell:

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