Winners of the October art contest!

Wow! You guys really came up with some creative ways to raise the dead for the October art contest!

The prompt was: “The experiment worked! Penny was so relieved to have her dog back from the dead.”

You guys tried everything from ouija boards 👻, to various laboratory experiments 👩‍🔬, to a full system reboot 🤖 A big thank you to everyone who took part!

The two winning entries were picked during Critique Arena, our monthly event where we do critiques live. We tried out the new format again this time, where the audience got to vote!

We started with the top 16 competitors, and did successive rounds of judging where the audience voted to get the final four. Then Jake Parker and Lee White picked the top 2 victors!

We’ll be adding the recording of the event to the video subscription next week, but in the meantime here are the sweet 16.🏆

These are the 2 winning entries!

Winner! Art by Neha Rawat.

Winner! Art by Neha Rawat.

Winner! Art by Braden Hallett.

Winner! Art by Braden Hallett.

And here are all the runner ups!

Thanks again to all who entered the contest this month, stellar work everyone!

Be sure to enter our November art contest for a chance to win a live art critique.🎨 The prompt is: Slowvember. This is where you work on something you love for the entire month. Good luck!

See you next time in the arena…the Critique Arena!