It's the final countdown!

They say finishing a project is the hardest part. We don’t know who “they” are, but we think they’re right! We always struggle with the last leg of a project, mainly because by then we are kind of sick of it and just want to be done.

But putting in the extra effort and finishing a project is worth it, especially if you are trying to develop a consistent drawing habit. If you make it through Inktober once, the next time will be easier!

Here’s some strategies for making it to the finish line:

  1. Reassess. Look back at all the sketches you’ve done so far and take stock. Think about what went well, and what didn’t go so well. Did any drawings come easy, or was it one long slog? Figure out what worked, and keep doing that. If something didn’t work, try changing it up. Don’t feel you are stuck with a particular style or concept just because you started out that way. This is not about pleasing a client, this is about finding a way to draw that works for you.

  2. Simplify. It’s just so easy to overcomplicate things! Maybe it’s just the nature of creativity, but it seems like we just want to keep making things bigger and better than before, which tends to be a lot more work. If you are struggling to keep up, maybe try simplifying your drawings. Like instead of drawing that epic battle scene with warring factions and exploding weaponry, maybe just ink a single character and call it good. There’s only 10 days left. Keep it simple!

  3. Take a break. Sometimes it’s tempting to just hunker down and grind it out. But science says taking breaks from work can actually spark creativity and increase productivity (and by breaks, we are talking about some form of physical movement, not checking your Instagram! See below⬇️). If you are hitting a wall, try taking a break and walking around the block, or maybe bust out some sun salutations.

  4. Limit distractions. Hey, we love spending time on social media “doing research” as much as anyone. But when it’s crunch time, it’s helpful to set a hard limit on how often you check your feed. Post your sketch and get out! You need your beauty sleep 😊

  5. Remember: Finished not perfect. You knew this one was going to be on the list! It’s pretty much our mantra around here (check out Jake’s video at the top of the page⬆️ if you haven’t already seen it!). There is always gonna be one more stroke or one more tweak to make your drawing perfect. But at some point, it just needs to be done. If you get too hung up on making it perfect, you might stop moving forward. Why should you stress about it being perfect now, if you know you’re just naturally going to become better in the future? Deep thoughts!

  6. Give yourself a high five. Because you’re awesome! Just by showing up and doing the challenge, you are taking steps to becoming a better artist. Go you!


OK team, just 10 days to go! You got this!



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