Every episode of our podcast is on YouTube!

The latest episode on YouTube.

You’ve heard their dulcet tones on the podcast, now you can see their handsome faces too!😂

We’ve uploaded all 41 episodes of the podcast on to our YouTube channel, so you can listen👂 AND watch 👀. (Just note that we only started recording video around Episode 28, so everything before that is audio only).

If you’re new around here, the founders of SVSLearn do a podcast on illustration, called 3 Point Perspective. They talk about the illustrator life - how to do it, how to make a living at it, and how to make an impact in the world with it. It’s almost reached 500K downloads!

Just so you know, the video version is pretty much uncut, meaning we did not do much editing of the video before uploading to YouTube. So you will get to see all the rambling and bumbling and flubbing that goes on in real life!

Plus you get to see their studios, and any visual references they mention in the podcast (like Jake’s hat in Episode 36!).