Feeling stuck with your art??

Art by Jake Parker.

Art by Jake Parker.

Art is hard! It can be challenging on so many levels, from mastering technique, to developing your own style, to building a career as a freelancer. It’s easy to get stuck, especially if you are learning on your own.

If this is you, check out our new Office Hours! It’s a new service for our members to get personal feedback from working professionals on any illustration issue you may have, be it technique, concept, business, style or whatever!

For $99 a session, you’ll be able to book office hours with Will, Jake or Lee , and get a 30 minute video assessment within a week! All three are working illustrators with extensive experience in publishing and teaching, so they can help analyze your work from a professional point of view.

It’s for those of you who have gone as far as you can on your own, and now need some professional insight to help you get to the next level. Sometimes a fresh perspective can help you get unstuck.

Once you book a session, you can submit up to 3 individual images for review, and you will receive a video assessment within a week of the appointment date. But please keep it to 3 images. If you need something more involved, like a full portfolio review or book dummy review, stay tuned, we’ll be rolling that out in the future!

We‘ll be emailing all the details, with instructions on how to book office hours, in the next few days. You’ll also be able to access the information in your student dashboard.

Seats are limited so don’t wait!

What: Office Hours

Purpose: Get personal help with any illustration issue you have from a professional illustrator!

What you get: A 30 minute video addressing your specific illustration concerns

Who: Members only.

Cost: $99

How To Sign Up: Through the Office Hours class in your Student Dashboard.

Availability: 9 seats (3 each for Will, Jake and Lee)

When: Now open for booking through Jan 31. Videos will be returned by Feb 7.