Who will mech the final cut?

Art by Jake Parker.

Art by Jake Parker.

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto! Join us live to vote for the winners of the April art contest🏆

The prompt is: Lisa’s robot invention worked great, until it did this… 🤖 Brought to you by Jake Parker.

Robots can be very challenging to draw, especially if you are not mechanically inclined. This is your chance to get into the nuts and bolts of drawing robots!

Check out how the contestants handled it! Be sure to pick your faves 💙, because we are gonna put the top 16 to a vote. And then our judges will critique them 🧐

This event is for members only, be sure to check your email for the event link! They will be going out this week.

The Details

What: Live critiques with the founders of SVSLearn

Date: Thursday, May 14

Time: 2pm MDT (check here for times outside the US)

Who: Members only

Where: Members will be emailed an event link to attend

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