Get some perspective on perspective 🤔

Art from Advanced Perspective by David Hohn.

Art from Advanced Perspective by David Hohn.

If you think perspective is scary👻, our latest class from David Hohn will put your fears to rest!

It’s called Advanced Perspective, and it’s the follow up to his Basic Perspective Drawing class.

In the basic class, we focused on 1-point and 2-point perspective. In the advanced class, we pick up where the basic class left off and focus on the dreaded 3-point perspective 😱

What is 3-point perspective? It’s when 3 vanishing points are used to convey a sense of depth. It’s how we actually the see the world. It can also be used to create extreme viewpoints, to give the impression of looking up at a focal point from below, or looking down at a focal point from above.

Once you master the rules of perspective, then you can use it to break the rules! It can help add another layer of visual storytelling to your work.

Perspective is fundamentally a storytelling tool. The choice to include a 1, 2 or 3 point system - or not to include a linear perspective system at all - really depends on you and the kinds of images you want to make and the way that you want your viewers to interact with those images.
— David Hohn

In this class you will learn:

  • How to draw the world the way we actually see it

  • How to use simple shapes as the groundwork for any object

  • How to draw those simple shapes in perspective

  • How those shapes can be used to construct a tree, car, or character and virtually anything

  • How the under-drawing is essential to drawing complex objects

  • How to troubleshoot when perspective goes wrong

David’s class is part of our Foundations Curriculum, which is designed to help artists of all skill levels build a stronger foundation in illustration and master the essential skills needed be a working artist.

Perspective is one of those skills that you will use over and over again, so if this is something you struggle with, be sure to take all our Foundations classes on perspective:

Now streaming in the video subscription!🎬