The official Inktober 2022 prompt list is here!

Here we go again!

The official Inktober prompt list for 2022 is here, so that means Inktober is just around the corner!

Time to start prepping and getting ready for the challenge ahead💪

What is Inktober? It’s is a worldwide challenge to do an ink drawing every day for the 31 days of October. If you can actually stick with it and finish the challenge, you are sure to see gains! Not just in your art skills, but in your ability to develop a drawing habit.

But sometimes the hardest part of the challenge is just figuring out what to draw! 😵😭😅

That is where the official prompt list comes in. It’s simply a list of different words for each day of the month, that you can use as inspiration for what to draw that day.

Do you have to use the official prompt list? Nope, it's totally up to you! The Inktober prompt list is just there if you need help. But if you have another great idea, go for it!

Here at SVSLearn, we hope our students will give Inktober a try and see what it does for you. It’s an awesome way to reignite that creative spark. Many of our students get so much out of it, they end up doing it year after year!

That said, it can be a little overwhelming, especially if you’ve never done it before. If you’re not sure where to start, check out our Inktober Bootcamp! It’s a mini-course designed to help you build a plan for your Inktober project and practice your inking skills.

As always, don’t forget to hashtag your work with #inktober2022 so everyone can see your progress. And if you want some social media love, tag #svslearn or @svslearn too! We'll be featuring our favorites on Instagram 😁

Can’t wait to see all your inky creations!

If you aren’t already a member, now is a great time to sign up for a free trial! You’ll get instant access to all our inking classes and more. Ready to kickstart your Inktober?