New to Inktober?

Here’s the overview from the creator of Inktober, Jake Parker!

Are you going to give Inktober a try this year??

For those of you who are new to Inktober, it's an art challenge started by Jake Parker, one of the founders of SVSLearn. Every year, artists all over the world take on the challenge of making an ink drawing every day for the entire month of October. That's 31 drawings in 31 days! The goal is to improve your drawing skills and develop positive drawing habits.

If you’ve never done it before, be sure to check out these resources to help you get the most out of the challenge 😀✒️💖


The Official Rules

It’s simple, but hard! The idea behind this is to get into the habit of drawing 😉


The Official Prompt List

If you aren’t sure what to draw, the prompt list is here to help spark creativity. (It’s available in other languages too!) But it’s totally up to you if you want to use it or not 😄



Can I work digitally? Can I use color? Can I do a sketch first? Find the answers to your questions here.


Ink Classes

Now is a good time to brush up on those ink skills! We got you covered with inking videos from Jake Parker and Peter Han.



All you need is any old pen and paper to do the challenge. But here’s a list of tools if you want to try something new.


Social Media

Be sure to follow @Inktober on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to get the latest updates!

But the most important thing is to show up and make it count 😅

OK team, let’s do this!