Live critiques with renowned illustrator Sterling Hundley!

How does Sterling Hundley create such captivating and memorable illustrations?

It turns out he has a method and you can learn all about it in his new live class, The Ideation Lab Part 01.

In this class, you will learn how to generate authentic ideas within the scope of commercial work. Plus, you will get personal feedback on your work from Sterling!

β€œβ€¦what I’m really the most excited about teaching you is the things that go beyond just the surface application into a deeper understanding of how you connect to the world around you.” -Sterling Hundley

This is a 4 week class, with individual instruction and personal feedback on all your work.

Here's how it works. Every week, video lectures and course materials will be uploaded to your student account. You can then stream the lectures and do the homework on your own schedule, so long as you turn in the homework by the deadline for the instructor to critique. Live critiques will be held on Friday evenings from 7-9 EST. There will also be a class forum so you can meet your fellow students, and office hours for any questions that come up πŸ˜€ Part 02 will be offered in March.


Instructor: Sterling Hundley

Level: beginner to intermediate

Requirements: solid drawing skills and good internet

Class format: video lectures, homework assignments, personal feedback from the instructor

Class Size: 11 seats left

Start Date: 1/21/19

Duration: 4 weeks

Cost: $250 for subscribers, $275 for nonsubscribers