New and improved! How To Stylize Human Characters

Art by Jake Parker.

Art by Jake Parker.

How do you go from drawing lifelike characters to the more stylized characters you might find in a picture book??

Learn how in the re-release of our class, Stylizing Human Characters!

The class, created by pro illustrator Jake Parker, originally came out back in 2016. It’s one of our classics, and essential to mastering character design, so we rebooted it for our Foundations Curriculum.

The rebooted version includes improved audio, chapters so you can navigate the class more easily and 3 brand new homework assignments!

In this class you will learn:

  • How the Style Wheel is a great tool for understanding three primary elements of character stylization

  • How shape and proportion are fundamental building blocks of character construction and how they contribute to a character’s personality

  • How to blend figurative, abstract and symbolic approaches to create stylized body parts and human characters.

Now available for streaming in the video subscription!🎬